Home » Free Engagement Services for Adversarial Journalism

We believe a free press is the cornerstone of a healthy and functioning democracy.

We are proud to support community-based, investigative, and adversarial journalism through Postmatic Press.

Free WordPress Services for a Free Press

Postmatic Press offers pro bono content delivery, engagement, and community tools for rigorous dissemination and discussion of the truth.

  Read the blog post: Truth matters. We’re getting behind journalists.

Free Content Delivery

Postmatic Press emails new posts and automatic daily/weekly digests of your WordPress content to site subscribers. Or, let them subscribe to just the authors they are interested in. Import your email list from other services and save hundreds of dollars a month on email marketing tools.

That’ll free up budget for journalism.

Comments Without the Trouble

If you are paying for a commenting system… you shouldn’t be.

And if you are using a third-party commenting system you may be violating the privacy of your authors and readers.

We’ll fix that by getting you up and running with our suite of native WordPress comment plugins for responsive, efficient, and community-moderated commenting:

  1. Replyable for intelligent email comment notifications and two-way email commenting. Subscribe to comments. Get the best delivered daily. Reply via email without touching WordPress.
  2. Crowd Control for community moderation of offensive comments.
  3. Elevated Comments to highlight the most relevant and thoughtful discourse across your site.
  4. Sift Ninja for auto moderation of bullying, vulgarity, racism, trolls, and more.

Grow your subscriber base

Build your subscriber list with pop-ups, optin forms and widgets. Let your readers subscribe to individual authors and breaking news, or get a beautiful daily digest of the best content.

Send new subscribers to 500+ other services such as Salesforce, Google Sheets, or your CRM of choice.

Save money, and make some too

Save hundreds of dollars per month by saying goodbye to costly email sending and commenting services. Postmatic Press replaces commenting packages like Disqus and Livefyre as well as email services such as Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Feedblitz, or Feedburner.

Monetize your emailed content by optionally participating in our advertising program. We’ll use the revenue to offset our costs, then split the profits with you.

Not only will you save on monthly email marketing, commenting, and moderation services – but we may both come out ahead in the end.

Keep your authors involved in the conversation

Increase engagement by keeping your authors in the loop. Automatic author subscriptions let them moderate their own comments as well as respond to readers all from within their inbox.

No WordPress logins needed. They engage using the simple tool they already have: email.

We believe the prime value of journalism is that it imposes transparency, and thus accountability, on those who wield the greatest governmental and corporate power.

-Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras and Jeremy Scahill @ The Intercept

Part of a community-based, investigative, or adversarial journalism organization? Let’s work together.

Apply for Postmatic Press

Enrollment is open and applications are evaluated first-come-first-serve. Fill out the form below. We’ll take a look at your site and reach out to you as soon as possible with next steps and a plan of action.

  Postmatic Press is built for WordPress-based sites

Who should apply?

Any of the following that are running the self-hosted version of WordPress:

  • Nonprofit news organizations
  • Community-based news organizations
  • Independent publishers of all sizes
Terms and Conditions

Participating organizations (client) agree to the following terms, policies, and conditions:

Limited use – Postmatic reserves the right to discontinue service at any time, with 30-day notice given to client. Additionally, Postmatic reserves the right to limit service based on subscriber growth and increases in publishing frequency. Simply: If you grow too large we might need to have a conversation about ways we can continue to support your work.

Reciprocation – From time to time, Postmatic may ask client for testimonials, data for case studies, and product feedback.

Privacy – Services are subject to our privacy policy.

  Hey WordPress geeks, want to lend a hand?

Volunteer to help us with installations and migrations. Fill out the form over here and we’ll be in touch soon.