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When it comes to social media marketing, the majority of the advice you’ll receive centers on publishing content - how often, when, to be consistent. Well, we should talk less and listen more.

Talk Less, Listen More – A Key to Social Media Marketing

When it comes to social media marketing, the majority of the advice you’ll receive centers on publishing content – how often, when, to be consistent.

Yet there is the old saying that we have one mouth and two ears for a reason – to talk less and listen more.

So why is most marketing advice so focused on “talking”?

Social media marketing is unlike traditional marketing.

It’s set apart by its ability to allow customers and prospective customers to connect with you, to learn about you, to interact and communicate. It provides the perfect opportunity to listen and learn. Find out what your customers want and need, the problems they face. Social media platforms offer invaluable insight to those who chose to talk less and listen more.

Rather than focusing on how much you are publishing, consider engaging more.

Find out where your customers are active. Read what they are posting. Engage with them on their content and where they are active. Connect with them on what matters to them. Read more