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Postmatic is available for download

Our pilot projects have shown that the idea works: we’re seeing levels of engagement from people which have never before left a comment on a blog – and certainly haven’t taken part in complete online discussions. It’s interesting. We’re quite popular with the older crowd. A lot of people don’t realize they are even interacting with a blog but since it just works the conversation flows naturally.. all the while happening in two places at once. One of our Vernal clients that does excellent work on food safety just saw their comments per post jump from 2-3 all the way to 60+.

And now we’re ready to take on more

We’ve gone through enough testing to feel confident that we’re ready to take on a few hundred thousand sites. And we’re very happy to announce that we are now available for download directly from your WordPress dashboard or in the wordpress.org repository.

Please do this one thing:

Our greatest challenge right now is to try to stand out in the huge world that is the WordPress ecosystem. Once we get traction I have no doubt we’ll take off… but we are trying to get our head above water. Could you do me this one favor and tweet about Postmatic?


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