
Native WordPress Comments And the Ease of Disqus

One of the most exciting parts of blogging is comments from your audience. Feedback is great. And many of us also love the benefits of a service like Disqus. Then again, when you use a third-party commenting system like Disqus you don’t own your own data. For WordPress users, this is a major turnoff.

In fact, we are proud to be powering commenting on the top WordPress news site on the internet. Since working with WP Tavern, other WordPress news and community sites have started using Postmatic as well.

Commenting Made Easy

Have you recently migrated from Disqus to native WordPress Comments? Cool. We’re glad to have you back.

One feature your commenters probably liked best about Disqus was that they could comment easily on your site without having to fill out their name, email, and website. Disqus lets users sign in using their social profiles from places like Twitter, Facebook, and Google. That’s pretty handy.

You can recreate that experience on your site using any number of social login/authentication plugins such as our own Postmatic Social Commenting. That said, we ran across an interesting idea that is especially nifty if you used to use Disqus.

Let users log in with their Disqus account to leave a native comment on your site.

WordPress Social Login with Facebook and Disqus enabled.

WordPress Social Login is a plugin that allows users comment using their social profiles. It also now supports Disqus logins. If your commenters used to enjoy signing in using their Disqus account, they still can. But you can use native comments and still own your data. Win. It’s kind of the best of both worlds.

Engage Your Community

Native WordPress comments is an untapped opportunity. Increased blog engagement raises awareness, strengthens SEO performance, elevates your brand, and builds a community around your ideas. Postmatic allows your readers subscribe by email when they leave a comment. Subsequent comments and replies will land in their inbox just like with Jetpack. The great news is with Postmatic, you can actually have a conversation with your readers — just by hitting reply.

Did you switch from Disqus? Let us know your thoughts?

The featured image to this post is a recent weekend here in Vermont. Spring is a bit grumpy this year.