
A love poem for Brad

At a quarter to midnight, all snug in my sheets,
I heard the soft twinkle of many tiny tweets.
Could it be i’ve said something undiplomatic?
No! It’s a love poem! For our baby: Postmatic.

It seems one of our users is dying to know
What we’ve created for darling Postmatic two-oh.
It’s taken three people almost a year to create.
For we want perfection (at a nice low baud rate).

Thank you Brad. We feel very blessed.
Come down from the attic, we need you to test!
Straighten your back!. Have a few tries…
At digests, bulk sending, and inline replies!

A zip file is coming with docs in advance.
Break it hard, break it well, leave nothing to chance.
We love email and making old tech feel anew,
But today our hearts go out to users like you.

Much love.

– Team Postmatic